STIPRAM Overseas Program Activities Reactivated

Currently, Covid-19 has begun to decline, so that educational programs that were delayed can be restarted soon. This was also addressed by the STIPRAM Yogyakarta.
Starting from this odd semester, in addition to face-to-face lectures, other programs such as internships and KKN have been held face-to-face. Likewise overseas, such as apprenticeships, student and lecturer exchanges, have been reopened with the permission of parents.
"For students who don't want to do internships and go abroad, STIPRAM has provided a very lenient policy. New innovations are always processed by STIPRAM to spur academic achievement and quality," said the Head of STIPRAM, Dr. Suhenndroyono accompanied by Deputy Chair of STIPRAM, Dr. Damiasih in Yogyakarta.
According to the Chairman, currently there are several batches of apprentices abroad with destinations for several countries. Likewise with student exchange programs and International KKN which have started in this odd semester. There are 12 students who are carrying out international KKN in several tourist villages in Thailand. In addition, there are 15 students who have carried out student exchanges with several STIPRAM Collaboration partner campuses in Thailand and Malaysia. "STIPRAM students during this activity were provided with tourism materials for presentations in front of officials and students of Cooperation partners. This is an indicator of student quality for student exchange programs.”
Mrs. Damiasih added, STIPRAM always motivates students to take programs that can add to their knowledge. In addition to knowledge provision, students are also provided with English before leaving, this is to motivate students to achieve more than just healing. In addition to this program, students can take workshops at a very affordable cost, certified and with degrees from the Association Hotel and Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI), which has long partnered with STIPRAM. In fact, hundreds of students already have certificates with this competency degree from America. "There are many variants of overseas programs at TSIPRAM and all of them are given to students to improve the quality of STIPRAM students and graduates later. Students can choose according to their needs and abilities, and if they are not interested in going abroad, STIPRAM will continue to provide programs that are equivalent."