STIPRAM International Community Service Program is Back in Great Interest by Students

STIPRAM Yogyakarta, one of the Tourism Colleges in Yogyakarta, always focuses on improving quality by continuing to implement the Independent Learning-Independent Campus (MBKM) program, which has been echoed by the government in recent years. One program that accommodates MBKM at STIPRAM is the International KKN program, which has been running since before the pandemic until now.
"The STIPRAM International KKN is managed by the Office of International Affairs (KUI) in collaboration with LPPM STIPRAM and State Universities in Southern Thailand. For now, the International KKN program has reached its 4th batch and is carried out at least 2 times a year. The duration of this program is 30 days, which includes the process of preparing documents, carrying out work programs, and returning from abroad," said the Head of STIRPAM Dr. Suhendroyono.
Activities carried out during the International KKN program in tourist villages are adapted to work programs created by students, such as making batik in flower pots, cooking typical Jogja food, teaching English, teaching traditional Indonesian dances, making handicrafts, and so on. In addition, before going to the tourist village, students also do a city tour and hotel inspection in the city of Phuket, Southern Thailand to gain insight and experience.
“The basic concept of this program is to mingle with residents. So that program participants are residents who will interact directly with students. Even though in Phuket there are not many villagers who are proficient in English, students will be assisted by a local tour guide to facilitate communication," said Deputy Chairperson Dr. Damiasih.
Damiasih further stated that the International KKN program could be carried out thanks to cooperation with overseas university partners with networks to various institutions and tourist villages. This allows STIPRAM to cooperate with these parties on a mutually beneficial basis. STIPRAM uses the term International Community Service Program, in this case, so that it can access many other programs. Such as collaborating in student exchange programs, workshops, and seminars.
“The usual difficulty faced by participants in this program is culture shock on the first day. Because of differences in food, lifestyle, and everyday language. However, students will be guided by a companion during the KKN program, so it is very easy to adjust. Undergraduate Tourism program students can make choices about KKN at home or abroad. Meanwhile, students who make their choice to join the International KKN program have advantages, including gaining international experience, having a wider network, obtaining certificates, visiting tourist attractions, and can be used as material for writing student final assignments," said Dr. Damiasih.
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