About STIPRAM Members

Ambarrukmo Tourism College (STIPRAM) Yogyakarta was established in 2001 with the name at that time AMBARRUKMO TOURISM ACADEMY (AKPRAM) Yogyakarta. At that time, AKPRAM had a single study program, the Hospitality Study Program, with the hospitality program for the level of three (D-3) diplomas.


In 2004, AKPRAM received an accreditation from BAN-PT with a value of B and along with the rapid development of tourism in Indonesia, in early 2008, tourism was endorsed by the government as a SCIENCE and did not overwhelm other knowledge groups.


So in 2008, AKPRAM increased its status to AMBARRUKMO TOURISM SCHOOL (STIPRAM) by adding the Hospitality study program in the Hospitality department to the STRATA-ONE (S1) level. Along with the level of public confidence in STIPRAM, the Accreditation also increased to A both for the Hospitality study program and Hospitality / Tourism.


And in 2015, STIPRAM had obtained Institutional Accreditation from BAN-PT with a value of B and in 2016 STIPRAM was again given the confidence to manage the Postgraduate Study Program (S-2) Tourism Study program.



Hospitality Study Program: Department of Hospitality: D-3 level

Hospitality / Tourism Study Program: Hospitality / Tourism major: S-1 level

Tourism Study Program: Department of Tourism: Masters degree


D3 Hospitality Program: 70% practice and 30% theory

Hospitality / Tourism S1 Program: 40% practice and 60% theory

S2 Tourism Program: MICE concentration supported by a highly representative Auditorium.